
A cryptocurrency bounty hunting platform revolutionizing the bounty hunting gig economy

Who is



Bounty0x is a cryptocurrency bounty hunting platform that allows businesses to post bounties for tasks that freelancers can then complete to earn cryptocurrency. Bounty0x was founded in 2017 by Angelo Adam and Deniz Dalkilic, who wanted to simplify the bounty campaign process. It has now revolutionized the bounty hunting gig economy.

What Does



Bounty0x is a cryptocurrency bounty hunting platform. If you’re not familiar with cryptocurrency bounty hunting, it’s simpler than it sounds! Businesses can hold cryptocurrency bounties for completing certain tasks in categories including airdrop, content creation, digital marketing, graphic design, programming and software, survey, translation, and video and animation. They then select the size of the reward and the type of cryptocurrency for the payment.

Once a bounty is posted, hunters can then complete the task and submit it for review. If the quality of the work is good and meets the requirements for the bounty, the hunter will then be paid in cryptocurrency. Bounty0x is a token agnostic platform, which means businesses can pay in any token system that they like. And because Bounty0x is safe and secure, businesses and creators can both feel confident using the platform.

What Can


Do For You?

Are you looking for a great way to leverage the crowd and get great content fast? Bounty0x is perfect for you! Bounty0x has thousands of bounty hunters on its platform, which means your posts will be seen by a lot of people. That makes it easy to source large amounts of high-quality, professional content in a short amount of time. Bounty0x reviews thousands of submissions to save you from going through them individually. You can then easily distribute payment in your desired form of cryptocurrency. You can even set up a tier-based payment system to reward the very best work at a higher rate. It’s the perfect option for anyone looking to get great content on a massive scale.

Bounty0x is also great if you’re a creative person looking to earn cryptocurrency by completing tasks. By becoming a bounty hunter on the platform, you’ll have access to hundreds of bounties in a variety of categories. When you complete a task, you can send it off for review. Once it’s accepted, you’ll then be paid in cryptocurrency. It’s a simple, secure way to earn cryptocurrency for doing great work!

How Can You Get Involved

Whether you want to join Bounty0x as a bounty host, a bounty hunter, or even a bounty sheriff earning a fee for reviewing bounty hunters’ work, you can learn more here! You’ll find everything you need to know about Bounty0x’s unique bounty hunting platform. Sign up and get started today!

Let’s get acquainted.